Our current rate is 40% of the wallet value upon successful password recovery. If we can't recover the password, you pay nothing.
Have you forgotten your Wallet Password?
What you will need
One Plan
We make this simple and easy.
Includes custom brute-force
No recovery, pay nothing!
Recovery Wallet
of Recovery Wallet Value
*Depending on the complexity of the work in some cases we charge more.
Contact Us
If you've got more questions contact us we'll do our best to answer.
How Much Is This Service?
How can I trust you with my wallet?
If you send us your wallet, and we decrypt the password, then it would be possible for us to steal the money that the wallet holds. But we won't. To increase your trust with us, we focus on building a high reputation and social testimonials from the public.
How do I pay?
Typically, from the funds in the recovered wallet, we will deduct 40% of the wallet value if successful.
How long will it take?
Each password decryption is an individual situation; therefore, we cannot give a time period. Please feel free to check the status of your decryption at any time by contacting us.
Contact Us
If you have any more questions, please contact us
E-mail: info@recoverywalletdat.org